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More about loops

for-each loops

There is another kind of loop, called a for-each loop introduced in Java 5. We will cover it later, when we have done arrays and objects.


break we saw as part of switch. It can also be used to break out of loops. If loops are nested it just breaks out of the current level.


	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
	   if (i == j) break;

	   // ...          //Only process up to j

This particular example could be written more neatly without using break. How?


continue is used in loops to skip the rest of the current cycle and go to the next one.


	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
	   if (i % 3 != 0) continue;

	   // ...     // only process multiples of 3

This particular example could be written more neatly without using continue. How?

Best practice

It is good practice always to use braces around the statement following an if, while, for, etc, even if it is just a single statement. Eg,

	if (n % 7 != 0)
		nsq = n * n;

If maintenance involves adding statements there will then be less risk of unexpected effects, and probably fewer changes to test plans.

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