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Creating packages

Declare that a class is part of a package by eg,

	package net.grelf.course;

at the very start of the source file, before the class (or interface) declaration and before any imports.

Then, to use the class in another one:

	import net.grelf.course.*;

(or, better, give the class name in place of *).

A general java source file is therefore structured as

	package declaration (if any)
	imports (if any)
	class/interface declaration

Best practice: always put your classes and interfaces into packages. Start package names with your own domain name (reversed) to ensure uniqueness.

Convention: package names are always lower case.

Package directory structure

The package net.grelf.course would be created in, and read from, a subdirectory of the current directory:


To make the compiler put a new class into the package in the correct directory you need to include -d baseDir in the command line. Eg,

	javac -d .

(. is the current directory of course) as well as the line at the start of the class source file:

	package net.grelf.course;

Then, to run:

	java -cp . net.grelf.course.MyClass

(the cp switch sets the classpath, in this case to the current directory.)

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