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Useful core objects

As well as the Global object there are several other pre-defined types in core JavaScript with useful properties and methods.

  a.length, a.sort(), a.push(), a.pop(), a.reverse(), etc

  var now = new Date ();
  d.getDay (); // etc
  d.getMilliseconds (); // for differencing
  var then = new Date (millisecs); // Since 1970.0
  d.toLocaleString (); // Taking time zone into account, from your system

  Math.PI, Math.abs (), Math.sqrt (), Math.sin (), etc

  n.toString (), n.toPrecision (2), etc

  o.toString (), o.valueOf ()

  new RegExp (pattern, attributes) 
  // Regular Expression - there is a page about, soon

  s.length  // a property, not a method (unlike in Java)
  var s = "Some text.";
  var a = s.charAt (3);	         // "e"
  var b = s.charCodeAt (4);      // 32
  var c = s.concat (" ", "Some more text."); 
                // To concatenate any number of strings
  var d = String.fromCharCode (65); // "A".
                // NB: static function, requires type name 
  var e = s.indexOf ("text");  // 5
  var f = s.indexOf ("TEXT");  // -1, meaning not found
  var g = c.indexOf ("text", 6); 
                // Starting at index 6 - find the 2nd one
  var h = c.lastIndexOf ("text");	// Finds the 2nd one 
  var j = s.substr (5, 4);    // "text": 4 chars at index 5
  var k = s.substring (5, 9); // "text": chars from 5 to before 9
  var m = s.toLowerCase ();   // or s.toUpperCase ()
  var n = s.split (" ");	
      // Returns array of substrings, split on the separator character
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