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im - Variable in class net.grelf.Complex
Imaginary part.
ImAddProportionDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for adding 2 images in proportion (eg, 1/4 of the first image to 3/4 of the second.
ImAddProportionDialogue(ImFrame, ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImAddProportionDialogue
Construct the modal dialogue and make it visible.
Image - Interface in net.grelf.image
For holding images in a format that is not provided by java.awt.image.BufferedImage (eg, deeper than 16 bits per channel, or floating-point pixel values).
NB: The layout of the data is very important: bear in mind that every sub-array has an overhead of 12 bytes.
Image16 - Class in net.grelf.image
For holding and processing images having 16 bits (integer) per pixel per channel, either 1 or 3 channels.
Image16(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image16
Creates image without setting any pixels.
Image16(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image16
Creates image with pixels optionally set to zero.
Image16(int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image16
Creates image with pixels optionally set to zero and optionally flagged as RAW format (from DSLR).
Image16(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image16
Use the BufferedImage to set the width, height and number of bands (channels) in this Image.
Image16(BufferedImage, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image16
Use the BufferedImage to set the width, height and number of bands (channels) in this Image.
Image32 - Class in net.grelf.image
For holding and processing images having 32 bits (integer) per pixel per channel, any number of channels.
Image32(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image32
Creates image without setting any pixels.
Image32(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image32
Creates image with pixels optionally set to zero.
Image32(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image32
Use the BufferedImage to set the width, height and number of bands (channels) in this Image.
Image32(String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image32
Reload an Image32 from a .accum file (GRIP-specific.
Image64 - Class in net.grelf.image
This is used as an alternative to BufferedImage for holding 64-bits-per-channel (double floating point) images, any number of channels.
Image64(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image64
Creates image without setting any pixels.
Image64(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image64
Creates image with pixels optionally set to zero.
Image64(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image64
Use the BufferedImage to set the width, height and number of bands (channels) in this Image.
Image8 - Class in net.grelf.image
For holding and processing images having 8 bits (integer) per pixel per channel, either 1 or 3 channels.
Image8(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image8
Creates image without setting any pixels.
Image8(int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image8
Creates image with pixels optionally set to zero.
Image8(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image8
Use the BufferedImage to set the width, height and number of bands (channels) in this Image.
Image8or16Base - Class in net.grelf.image
Common code for Image8 and Image16, both of which really use a java.awt.image.BufferedImage internally.
Image8or16Base() - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
IMAGE_KIND_KEYWORD - Static variable in class net.grelf.image.Metadata
ImageBase - Class in net.grelf.image
Common methods for implementors of Image.
ImageBase() - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.ImageBase
ImageLoader - Class in net.grelf.image
Loads images from files.
ImageLoader() - Constructor for class net.grelf.image.ImageLoader
ImageMenu - Class in net.grelf.draw
File menu (on each DrawingFrame) and its actions.
ImageMenu(DrawingFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.draw.ImageMenu
ImageMenu - Class in net.grelf.grip
Image menu (on each ImFrame) and its actions.
ImageMenu(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImageMenu
ImageSizeAction - Interface in net.grelf.grip
A class implements this interface if it wants to use an ImageSizeDialogue, to provide a call-back method for when the user clicks the OK button of the dialogue.
ImageSizeDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
Dialogue for setting the size of a new empty image.
ImageSizeDialogue(int, int, String, ImageSizeAction) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImageSizeDialogue
ImageSummary - Class in net.grelf.grip
Record to hold data about images, for tabulating drive errors, comet motion, etc.
ImageSummary() - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImageSummary
ImageSummaryDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
For collecting and displaying summary data during batch astro processes.
ImageSummaryDialogue(BatchMetadata, List<MatchPair>, BlobMeas[][], int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImageSummaryDialogue
New resultPath parameter may be empty string (15.10.30).
ImageSummaryTable - Class in net.grelf.grip
For displaying a table of drive errors, comet motion, etc.
ImageSummaryTable(ImageSummaryDialogue, List<ImageSummary>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImageSummaryTable
ImColourDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for adjusting the colour balance of an image.
ImColourDialogue(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImColourDialogue
Create the dialogue and display it as modal.
ImContourDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for drawing contours on an image, allowing the contour interval to be adjusted by a slider.
ImContourDialogue(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImContourDialogue
Create the dialogue and display it as modal.
ImCurve - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class displays a look-up curve with which the user can interact by using the mouse or by pressing the delete key.
ImCurve(ImCurveDialogue) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImCurve
The calling dialogue is given so that its update () method may be called when the curve changes.
ImCurveDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for adjusting brightness curves on an image.
ImCurveDialogue(Image, Histogram) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImCurveDialogue
Create the dialogue and display it as modal.
ImFrame - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is the window displayed for each image.
ImFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
No file loading, no menu.
ImFrame(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
No file loading but can have menu.
ImFrame(String, int, int, boolean, ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
No file loading but can have a menu and has an associated set of blob measurements.
ImFrame(String, MeasurementHandler) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
ImFrame(String, int, int, int, MeasurementHandler) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
ImFrame(String, DrawingMode, String, int, int, int, MeasurementHandler) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
ImFrame(String, DrawingMode, String, int, int, int, MeasurementHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
ImFrame(String, ImPane) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Make a new frame from an already existing ImPane.
ImFrame(String, Image) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
The file path is also used as the title.
ImFrame(String, DrawingMode, String, int, int, int, MeasurementHandler, boolean, ImPane, ImFrame, Image) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
The most general constructor, that all the others invoke.
IMFRAME_DEFAULT_CURSOR - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
IMFRAME_HAND_CURSOR - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
IMFRAME_WAIT_CURSOR - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
ImGraphic - Class in net.grelf.grip
Contains methods for creating special graphical images.
ImGraphic() - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImGraphic
ImMultiplyProportionDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for multiplying 2 images in proportion (eg, 1/4 of the first image to 3/4 of the second.
ImMultiplyProportionDialogue(ImFrame, ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImMultiplyProportionDialogue
Construct the modal dialogue and make it visible.
imNo1 - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.MatchPair
imNo2 - Variable in class net.grelf.grip.MatchPair
ImPane - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is the component placed on an ImFrame's content pane to display an image.
ImPane(ImFrame, int, int, GlassPane) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
ImPane(ImFrame, String, GlassPane) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
ImPane(ImFrame, String, int, int, GlassPane) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
ImPane(ImFrame, String, int, int, GlassPane, Image) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
If the file path or image are not null, width and height are irrelevant.
ImPreview - Class in net.grelf.grip
A GUI component for showing a portion of an image and allowing the user to vary some processing parameters while seeing the result on that portion of the image.
ImPreview(Image, ImPreviewActor) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
Use this constructor if the standard size preview image is required.
ImPreview(Image, ImPreviewActor, int, int) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImPreview
Use this constructor if you want a non-standard sized preview image.
ImPreviewActor - Interface in net.grelf.grip
A class implements this interface if it wants to use ImPreview on an Image, so that the preview object can call back to perform whatever operation the original class wants to do with the previewed image.
ImSaturateDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for saturating colour in an image.
ImSaturateDialogue(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImSaturateDialogue
Construct the modal dialogue and make it visible.
ImTable - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class displays a window containing a summary of all open images (ImFrames) in the application.
ImTable(GRIP, String) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImTable
ImTable(GRIP, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImTable
ImTableMenu - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class provides the menu bar for class ImTable.
ImTableMenu(JFrame, ImTable) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImTableMenu
ImTableModel - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class provides the data model supporting class ImTable (in the standard Swing JTable fashion).
ImTableModel(String[][]) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImTableModel
ImThreshDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for thresholding a monochrome image, which means making a mask (in the GlassPane) in which pixels are coloured if the corresponding pixel in the image has levels within the threshold range.
ImThreshDialogue(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImThreshDialogue
Create the dialogue and display it as modal.
ImThreshRGBDialogue - Class in net.grelf.grip
This class is for thresholding an image, which means making a mask (in the GlassPane) in which pixels are coloured if the corresponding pixel in the image has levels within the threshold range.
ImThreshRGBDialogue(ImFrame) - Constructor for class net.grelf.grip.ImThreshRGBDialogue
Create the dialogue and display it as modal.
in360() - Method in class net.grelf.Angle
Returns a new Angle whose value lies in range 0..360 degrees (or 0..2pi radians).
in360(double) - Static method in class net.grelf.Maths
Convert angle x (degrees) to lie in range 0..360
InadequateDataException - Exception in net.grelf
May be thrown if an operation cannot be carried out because the data are not suitable.
InadequateDataException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grelf.InadequateDataException
INCLUDE_EXPERIMENTS - Static variable in class net.grelf.grip.GRIP
incNNewImages() - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.GRIP
IncompatibleImageException - Exception in net.grelf.image
May be thrown if an operation cannot be carried out on an image due to some incompatibility (eg, wrong number of bits per channel).
IncompatibleImageException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grelf.image.IncompatibleImageException
initialiseChartCoordinates(SkyPoint, double) - Method in class net.grelf.astro.StarChartLoader
Calculate certain fields just once so they do not have to be calculated for every star.
insert(BlobMeas) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.BlobMeasList
Insert the BlobMeas object at the right place so the list is always in descending order of brightness.
insert(Connection) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ConnectionList
Insert the Connection object at the right place so the list is always in ascending order of polar angle (connection.vector.theta).
InstrumentKind - Enum in net.grelf.grip
No longer used by GRIP - may be obsolete.
interact(ImFrame) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.ImContourDialogue
For any code to use the present class for setting a contour interval.
interactiveWarp(ImFrame, ImFrame) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.Warp
Warp the image in frame imf2 into the image in frame imf1, using the control points that have been set on each.
Interpolator - Class in net.grelf
Provides an efficient method for reading from a non-integer pixel position in a java.awt.image.BufferedImage using bilinear interpolation.
Interpolator(Raster) - Constructor for class net.grelf.Interpolator
interpret(ImFrame) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.Raw
Convert RAW image to normal by interpolating across zero pixels in each channel.
interpret(Image) - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.Raw
Convert RAW image to normal by interpolating across zero pixels in each channel.
intersection(Line) - Method in class net.grelf.Line
Calculate the intersection point of the current line with another one.
inverseGnomonicProjection() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Project from plane to sphere.
inverseGnomonicProjection(int, double, double) - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Project from plane to sphere.
inverseGnomonicProjection(int, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image16
inverseGnomonicProjection(int, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Project from plane to sphere.
inverseGnomonicProjection(int, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Project from plane to sphere.
inverseGnomonicProjection(int, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8
inverseGnomonicProjection(BufferedImage, int, double, double) - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Project from plane to sphere.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImFrame
Invert the colour at every pixel in the image.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Pseudocolour
Invert the colours in the LUT.
invert() - Method in interface net.grelf.image.ComplexImage
Invert the values in both images.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.image.ComplexImage64
Invert the values in both images.
invert() - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Invert the colour at every pixel in the image.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Invert the colour at every pixel in the image.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
Invert the colour at every pixel in the image.
invert() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8or16Base
Invert the colour at every pixel in the image.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ControlPointsDialogue
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImAddProportionDialogue
Whether the user has clicked the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImColourDialogue
Whether user clicked the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImContourDialogue
Whether the user ended the dialogue by clicking the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImCurveDialogue
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImMultiplyProportionDialogue
Whether the user has clicked the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImSaturateDialogue
Whether the user has clicked the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImThreshDialogue
Whether the user ended the dialogue by clicking the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImThreshRGBDialogue
Whether the user ended the dialogue by clicking the OK button.
isAccepted() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.UnsharpMaskDialogue
Whether the user has clicked the OK button.
isAccumFile(String) - Static method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
Read the start of a file to find out whether it is a GRIP-specific .accum file.
isAccurate() - Method in class net.grelf.astro.MagnitudeGraph
Find out whether the graph was created using accurate brightness measurements (rather than the less accurate brightnesses as initially detected).
isAvailable() - Method in class net.grelf.astro.AstroGridGateway
Returns true if manages to connect to a running instance of AstroGrid RunTime.
isBatchCropping() - Static method in class net.grelf.grip.BatchProcessor
isCalibrated() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Calibration
isCancelled() - Method in class net.grelf.meteor.ParameterDialogue
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.MeasurementTableModel
isEmpty() - Method in interface net.grelf.Stack
isEmpty() - Method in class net.grelf.Stack_
Tell whether the stack is empty.
isFitted() - Method in interface net.grelf.Fitter
isFitted() - Method in class net.grelf.Fitter_
isImageHeader() - Method in class net.grelf.image.FITS_Header
Test whether the SIMPLE keyword is present with value "T" (in a primary header) or the XTENSION keyword is present with value "IMAGE" (in an extension header).
isIntelByteOrder() - Method in class net.grelf.image.ExifFile
isKnown() - Method in class net.grelf.astro.ProperMotion
True if either RA or Dec fields are non-zero.
isNumeric() - Method in class net.grelf.image.FITS_KeywordRecord
Get the type of the value in this record.
ISO_KEYWORD - Static variable in class net.grelf.image.Metadata
isPrimaryHeader() - Method in class net.grelf.image.FITS_Header
isPseudocolour() - Method in class net.grelf.grip.ImPane
Whether the image is currently displayed in pseudocolour.
isRaw() - Method in interface net.grelf.image.Image
Whether the image data are still in RAW format, as from a DSLR camera.
isRaw() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image16
Some 16-bit images may be RAW format from DSLR.
isRaw() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image32
isRaw() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image64
isRaw() - Method in class net.grelf.image.Image8
isRoomForTemporaryImages(File, int, long, long, int, int) - Static method in class net.grelf.Util
Check whether there is enough disc space for the estimated size of temporary image files, prompting the user to do something about it if there is not.
isSaturatedInRegion(ImFrame) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Whether any pixels in the blob reach the maximum image level in any channels.
isSaturatedInRegion(Image) - Method in interface net.grelf.grip.Blob
Whether any pixels in the blob reach the maximum image level in any channels.
isSaturatedInRegion(ImFrame) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
Rescan the region (rows) of this blob to determine whether it is saturated (ie, reaching maximum level in any band).
isSaturatedInRegion(Image) - Method in class net.grelf.grip.Blob_
Rescan the region (rows) of this blob to determine whether it is saturated (ie, reaching maximum level in any band).
isWriteable() - Method in enum net.grelf.image.FileFormat
isXmlFile(String) - Static method in class net.grelf.FileIO
Reads the first 5 characters of the given file to see whether they are >?xml
New 9.12.3
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